Our advisory service can anticipate possible risks and implications of natural disasters for your business, which will allow you to take measures and mitigate said impact.
We build models that by putting customers at the center of interactions, improve satisfaction, loyalty, and prioritize the consolidation of the differential value of companies.
We support financial strategies by evaluating the viability of investments and the ability to obtain resources, providing diagnoses and business plans for MSME. We accompany our clients in the credit evaluation processes according to their needs.
We provide innovative solutions in Finance, Customer Experience, and Biodiversity and Climate Change Adaptation with the vision of ensuring the sustainable development of our clients.
Integration of nature-based approaches and adaptation to climate change into sustainable development processes in research projects, productive sectors, territorial planning and risk management.
We work on the design of fluid and consistent interactions at any point of contact in the organization and implement customer-centered service models.
We support the financial solidity of MSMEs through advice, design and management of projects that guarantee the economic sustainability of our clients.
We support efficient decisions in organizations by incorporating artificial intelligence and machine learning in SME credit management and customer service..
We work together with our clients to develop customized projects, moving away from standard solutions and creating alliances and long-term relationships.
We evaluate the response of ecosystems to El Niño and La Niña, and how communities respond to the change in environmental supply chains and the events.
Banco Banesco
Diagnosis of the Customer Experience in telephone and digital channels for Banesco Panama, and implementation of the given recommendations.
11 Latin American countries
Financial planning of a religious Congregation with presence in 11 Latin American countries.
For Asobancaria on the management of requests, complaints, claims and requests, diagnosing the processes of 16 entities and recommending best practices.
Our team is led by a team of experts in Finance, Customer Experience, Sustainability, Climate Change Adaptation and Biodiversity. With an outstanding career in the corporate world, academia, multilateral agencies and civil societies.
We have a group of associate consultants in our main work areas.
Keep up to date with studies and blog articles.
At Grupo Laera we have a group of multidisciplinary consultants, always attentive to your queries or requirements